How Do I Find Income Opportunities that Aren't Scams?

ScamBustersGuide can help, because… when it comes to earning extra income, more opportunities exist today than at any time in history.
These include everything from…
- Part-time
- Full-time
- Work-at-home
- Starting a business
- Direct selling products
- Using your hobby or skill
- Multi-level / Network marketing
- Writing, photography and freelancing
- Wacky opportunities (selling sperm, hair, etc) that generate thousands
- Using the Internet to bring in multiple streams of income
- Wrapping your car with paid ads
- Generating income by starting a cause
- Buying and operating a franchise
- Licensing someone’s hot product
- Finding unclaimed money and property
- And much more!
With so many choices… this is a great time to bring in extra income, or boost the income you already have.
The problem is, most people have no idea where to find all these great opportunities. Even worse, there are also more scams today than ever before.
That’s why I created the ScamBusters Guide to Additional Income Sources, all new for 2013.
ScamBusters Guide to
Additional Income Sources

- Hundreds of Part-Time and Full-Time income opportunities
- Easy evaluation and contact for most of the sources, so you can generate income quickly
- Also includes sources and methods for bringing in Large Amounts of Income
You’ve never seen anything like it.
Finally, an easy-to-use system that helps you identify and start using the income source that’s right for YOU, while avoiding many of the top scams just waiting to take your money.
Unlike individual opportunity listings, this is the first time so many “prime” income opportunities are listed in a single directory. You’ll understand how much they pay, what you’ll need to earn that money, and contact information—so once you find something you like, you can get started almost immediately.

If you’re one of the millions of Americans searching for additional income for yourself or your family, the all-new ScamBusters Guide to Additional Income Sources is the easiest way to uncover that one income-source that’s ideal for you.
You won’t believe how much is packed into this single directory. It even includes a checklist of simple ways to avoid getting scammed.

Written and compiled by Jim Bond, a former Workshop Chairman for SCORE, the resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration, who was also the past president of a major consultancy and an advertising agency, serving many of the top Fortune 500 firms… this important guide meets a universal need that so many people have, by showing you what’s really available and what to avoid.
It even has specific details on how to get exactly what you want, with simple methods that help you avoid getting burned by the numerous scams and frauds just waiting to separate you from your money.
These income sources run the gamut, from part-time opportunities to full-time mass-income generators, and everything in between, including:
- Before you quit your job (tips and tricks to boost your income and position within your current company and beyond);
- How to start a part-time or full-time business that actually makes money (even if you’re terrified);
- Simple ways to earn cash from your hobby or skill;
- Dozens of work-at-home opportunities (including many of the top scams to avoid);
- Safe ways to offer freelance services to waiting customers who are ready and willing to pay you right now;
- Simple ways to generate fast cash by helping others with their business (even if you’ve been having difficulty finding a job because of your age or other reasons, this is a powerful way to start generating real income doing what you know and love, without the hassle of having a boss tell you what to do and when to work);
- How to use the Internet to generate multiple streams of income;
- The truth about Paid Surveys, Mystery Shopper and Work-at-Home programs (from Envelope Stuffing to Surveys to Online Postings and more—the good, the bad and the ugly);
- Multi-level income—not just selling products, but making money off other people’s work and efforts (how to avoid the most common mistake in multi-level/network marketing and build a high-paying network of distributors bringing you money day-in and day-out, even when you’re on vacation);
- Getting paid to sell yourself—your hair, the plasma in your blood, your eggs and sperm, etc—generating thousands of dollars for almost no effort;
- Wrapping your car (even older ones) with paid advertising;
- How to get paid to start a cause (join the ever-expanding group of people who are attracting as little as a few thousand to over a million dollars for themselves in as little as sixty to ninety-days, without needing to pay anything back!!!);
- Earning franchising and licensing income (selling hot products and services, especially if you have a few dollars to invest);
- Real estate opportunities that many people never consider (even if you have virtually no money);
- Easy ways to find missing and unclaimed money from long lost relatives, government programs and more. It’s amazing how many people have no idea all the money that’s just sitting there, waiting for someone to claim it.
This includes cash and valuable items from insurance, safe deposit boxes, real estate, unclaimed pensions, refund checks that remain uncashed, government rebate and refund programs, and much more—from hundreds of city, state, federal and private programs——sometimes with tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars just waiting to be claimed!
You could even win a finder’s fee helping others reclaim their lost rewards.
- And much more!
You’ll learn exactly what some people do… to generate a ton of money, while everyone else is struggling. You’ll even learn how people with literally no money are able to suddenly bring in more money than they ever imagined, often with less effort and more fun than they expected.

Thousands of people have attended Jim’s seminars and workshops. But you can enjoy this
valuable life-changing information at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.
Everything you’ll need is included in this easy-to-use program. You’ll suddenly be able to gain access to hundreds of “real-money” opportunities—everything from easy-to-use part-time income sources to change-your-life wealth creation, all together for the first time in a single program.
Encouraged Me to Earn Even More
"James Bond is one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to marketing products on the internet. He continues to impress me with his sales, testimonials and expertise. He is my "go-to" guy when I get stuck and need help and feedback on my projects."
Out-of-the-Box Ideas Expanded My Business into New Opportunities
"James has given me the best advice, that even top PR/marketing people never were able to give me.
His vision and enthusiasm have helped my business grow not only financially but also creatively by opening exciting new avenues.
He is the most creative, "Out of the box" marketer I have ever come across. He NEVER runs out of the best ideas!"
Hardest Working and Knowledgeable Marketing Coach
"James is one of the hardest working marketing coaches I've ever experienced. His passion and knowledge make all the difference."
And it comes with an iron-clad 60-day money-back guarantee!
All I ask is that you try it for up to 60 days. If this isn’t the most powerful program you’ve ever experienced for uncovering the best ways to generate the money you want, quickly and safely, let me know within 60 days and you’ll get a full refund.
It’s that simple. But there’s more…
Today I’m Offering a Unique Opportunity—But You’ll Need to Act Fast!
To give you a good reason to buy right now, I’m also including more than 20 short-videos, that take you step-by-step though the entire program.
This isn’t thrown-together videos.
These are professionally produced high-quality videos that take you quickly and easily though the entire program, step-by-step. You’ll have great fun as you learn the secrets to generating the kind of income you want.
All together, this is a $99 program.
But act now and you’ll receive the entire program:
(all new for 2013 — from ScamBustersGuide)
2. The BIG FIVE Directory complete with names and contact information of
hundreds of extra-income sources to help you get started almost immediately, and
3. The Step-By-Step Short-Videos.
…all this for the incredible pre-launch price of just $20.
But you’ll need to act now. This is a limited offer to help launch this new program with a big splash.
IF YOU’RE SERIOUS about finally generating the income you want, quickly and safely, then you owe it to yourself to take advantage of this special offer, while it’s still available.
Click the link now to get started generating the kind of money you’ve always wanted!
All the best,
Jim Bond
President and Founder,
Additional Income Sources
Remember, nothing like this exists anywhere. This is the first time this complete package is available, all new for 2013, and including all three: 1. the full ScamBusters Guide, 2. the BIG Five list with evaluations and contact information, and 3. the step-by-step videos.
You’re protected with the iron-clad 60-day satisfaction guarantee.
With today’s special offer you get the complete $99 program for just $20…
But you need to act now.